

Β2Β Collaborations - how it works?

At DPStudio we run in-house a dedicated design department, able to assist in all your design needs, plus a Production department that can offer print services based on most available print technologies. 
Our B2B partner get wholesale prices along with exclusive support.
Fow more info read bellow or give us a call so that we can plan our collaboration.

Who can benefit?

Creatives - Artists

You are a creative bureau, a graphic designer, a freelancer or an artist and you are looking for print fulfilment or custom printed products.

E-commerce Owners

You run an eshop / e-commerce business and you are looking for print fulfilment or custom printed products.


You own a brand and you need to custom print your products - merchandise.

How it works?

Every collaboration starts with a call and the creation of a customer account on shop.dpstudio.gr
This way you get acquainted with our services and products and how we can assist you.

Price list - Wholesale prices

Once we have a clear view of the services and products you are interested we offer an initial wholesale price list
This is scalable and depends on the order volume over time.

B2B E-Shop

Once step 1 is complete we transform your account on shop.dpstudio.gr to B2B Customer and you can:
1) Place orders based on your price list
2) Follow and get notifications on your orders
3) Download your invoices & delivery slips.